Ever felt like you’re constantly tiptoeing around someone and questioning your worth? You might be dealing with a narcissist. These individuals are masters of disguise. From the outside, they might seem like the life of the party, but up close, their actions can leave you feeling unseen, unheard, and used. Let’s take a look at 15 signs that might hint that you are dealing with a narcissist.
Grand Entrance Tactics

Narcissists love to be the center of attention, and they have an uncanny knack for making a splash wherever they go. Their over-the-top stories, flashy outfits, or dramatic gestures will go to great lengths to get attention. It’s not just about being noticed—it’s about being the star of the show all the time.
Constant Need for Praise

Compliments? They eat them up like candy. Criticism? Brace yourself because it’s not going to go well. Narcissists thrive on admiration and will fish for compliments, exaggerate achievements, and dismiss anyone who doesn’t stroke their ego. They always need to be validated, and that drives their behavior.
Superiority Complex

Narcissists see themselves as superior to everyone else. They genuinely believe they’re smarter and more deserving than others. This superiority complex often comes out as condescension, where they’ll dismiss other people’s ideas or belittle those they consider “beneath” them.
Lack Empathy

A key trait of narcissism is a lack of empathy. It’s not that they don’t hear you; it’s that your feelings don’t really matter to them unless it affects their image. When faced with someone else’s problems, a narcissist is more likely to turn the conversation back to themselves or minimize the issue entirely.
Gaslighting Expert

After a conversation with someone, have you ever been confused about your feelings or memories? That’s what gaslighting is—a form of manipulation where they make you question your reality. Narcissists will usually deny things they’ve said or done, twist your words, and even blame you for their behavior.
Always the Victim

Even when they’re clearly in the wrong, narcissists have an extraordinary ability to flip the script and make themselves the victims. This tactic allows them to deflect responsibility and gain sympathy. They’ll twist situations to make it seem like everyone is out to get them, conveniently ignoring the chaos they’ve caused.
Transactional Relationships

To a narcissist, relationships are less about connection and more about what they can get out of them. They seek out people who fulfill their needs. Once you’re no longer useful, they have no problem moving on without a second thought. It’s a game of give and take—with them doing most of the taking.
No Respect for Boundaries

It is very common for narcissists to overstep, intrude, and expect you to cater to their needs without question. Saying “no” to a narcissist often triggers a guilt trip or an aggressive reaction because, in their mind, your boundaries are just obstacles to be overcome.
Quick to Anger

A bruised ego is all it takes to send a narcissist into a tailspin of rage. Most of the time, they’re hypersensitive to criticism, and even the slightest perceived insult can provoke an over-the-top reaction. Their grudges are legendary, and they rarely forgive or forget—even if the slight was imagined.
Compulsive Lying

Imagine a reality TV show where the star and the screenwriter are the same person, and every scene is designed to impress. Need a quick promotion? Oh, of course, the CEO is an old friend from college. With a narcissist, it’s never quite clear if it’s the truth, a half-truth, or just the latest twist in their personal blockbuster.
Constant One-Upping

Sharing a story about your recent success? Don’t be surprised if the narcissist immediately jumps in with their own better version. They can’t stand being outshined, and they’ll always find a way to top your achievements, even if they have to stretch the truth to do it.
Sense of Entitlement

Narcissists believe they deserve special treatment simply because they exist. Such people expect others to cater to their needs, whether it’s cutting in line, demanding immediate attention, or expecting favors without reciprocation. When they don’t get what they want, their frustration often turns into outrage.
Sensitive to Rejection

Rejection is a kryptonite for narcissists. It shatters their self-image and can trigger intense emotional reactions ranging from sulking to vengeful behavior. A simple “no” can feel like a personal attack, and they’ll often respond by lashing out or seeking revenge in subtle or overt ways.
Obsessed with Image

Narcissists go to great lengths to craft the perfect image, often exaggerating successes or hiding failures. Their social media profiles, for instance, are curated masterpieces designed to make them look flawless. The real person tells a different story, but they’ll never let that show.
Love Bomb and Devalue

When you first meet a narcissist, it can feel like you’ve found the perfect person. Attentive and charming, they can make you feel like the center of their world—a tactic known as love bombing. But once they’ve hooked you, the devaluation phase begins. Suddenly, the charm fades, criticisms start, and you’re left wondering what went wrong.